Event Review: March '17 Literary Meet

by - Saturday, March 18, 2017

This year's KELS events officially kicked off with the literary meet organized on 16th March, Thursday. The topic for the meet was 'Battlefield'. KELS Recommends were published just to give an idea of what kind of books could be discussed under the aforementioned topic. Now I know exactly what you are thinking. One word. Boring. What can be fun about discussing books on war? However, if you had heard the twisted version some of the books that were presented or the hilariously awesome perspectives that came to light as a result of the discussion you would double over with laughter.

That is the beautiful thing about discussions. Our unique minds work in different ways and derive different conclusions from each event that we read or go through in our lives and when all of these ideas come together, it's a blast. 

The turnover was wonderful. Quite a lot of people showed up. Not just to discuss their own books but some came to watch. All kinds of books where discussed ranging from oldies like gone with the wind (vintage gold-I tell you) and little women (yes we have all read it) to some relatively new ones like the boy in striped pajamas, when we were orphans, the book thief, the pianist, moth smoke and many others. Some movie recommendations were also given. I have got the boy in striped pajamas downloading on my torrent right now :D

The event was not all 'books' 'literary' 'books', it ended with a historical game of dumb charades.

(Allow me to say historical here. There really is no other word.)  We divided into two teams and one team gave to the other 'The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford'. Savage, I tell you. However Aida from the other team killed it. If you were there to witness how we guessed ass-assination you would have laughed for the next half hour like we did. Somehow every single word on this absurdly long title was guessed. All in a few minutes. But Aida wasn't going down without vengeance and when it was time for the first team to guess they were at a complete loss. I don't blame them since it was so hard I don't even remember what the name of the movie was. All in all, time well spent. Hoping to see even more people in the next meet. Until then. Toodles :D

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