
Valediction by Shanzay Mansoor

Saturday, April 27, 2019 / BY KELS
Parting is such a sweet sorrow Which swerves you to be forlorn tomorrow It sucks you into an endless burrow Its like if something has left a furrow It fills the heart but renders the soul hollow It gives a feel and a thrill so shallow Even the twilight burns that seems so mellow There is nothing worse than to lose a fellow May he be there in memories or thoughts In cold scorch it...

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I decide to breathe by Amna Rashid

Thursday, April 25, 2019 / BY KELS
Greyness of clouds and the shades of my life. Carrying the sand in my hand slinking away and sitting by the sea, I look at the water so deep and ponder over the waves. Sounds of nature cherish my ears while I think of the clouds shadowing my life and dream about the day they'll finally rain and wash away all my sorrows and grief and then rainbow will take shape and color the stage and I'll...

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The Pursuit of Happiness by Umer Amir

Tuesday, April 23, 2019 / BY KELS
What is peace? A concept quite forlorn, very unfamiliar to my mind. Yet every living moment I crave for it.  Happiness? What is happiness? A concept quite familiar to me, very savory to my mind. And every living moment I chase its likeness. The human mind is a battlefield for the forces of Chaos against the forces of Order. Chaos bestows freedom, Order curses you with discipline. Chaos bestows liberty, Order curses you with responsibility....

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Science of Art by Aateqa Hashmi

Wednesday, April 10, 2019 / BY KELS
Does the universe spin on the principles of chemistry,  anthropology, mathematics, literature, sociology, physics or philosophy? Why is it strange if an engineer interns among nurses and beeps of ICU and why shouldn't a doctor passionately attend a workshop of quantum physics? Are artists meant to be appreciated confined in art galleries only, or dispersed in every possible human form: a motorcyclist, his child in front hugging him tight, slowly moving on extreme left to...

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