Walking With the Wonders

by - Sunday, May 05, 2013

Sad at times.Wondrous at others. Larger than life sometimes.
But always true and pure.
Why? Cuz it's reality.
No showdown. No cinematography. No beautification. No perverting influences.
Just simple, plain truth.
There's no photoshopping reality.
We pick up wonders from the realms of flabbergasting facts and go on pondering until we hurt our eyes.. or hearts. And then a new one captures our attention. And we call it progress.

Since the pen learned to travel with the walking stick of thoughts, wonders have sprung out of its tip.Each one historical. Many of them insanely heartfelt. And each one nourished by a wondering mind.
A truth strikes out.
Where so many wonders have been beheld, each new firefly has misgivings stepping into the limelight.
Another wondrous fact accompanies.
No matter how high the mountain, there's always a horde of adventurous souls widening the horizons of the limelight.
And  so the chain never ends.
And people like me? We stand apart. The 'Still Wondering' crowd. Trying to fit ourselves into this enormous jigsaw.

Once talent was sparsely found. "Talent-hunts" sprung up in those decades. And now, we find ourselves surrounded with the 'Over-talented" lot. Yet, as insecure a crowd as ever has been. And those "still wondering" whether they belong here at all? Join the club.
It's always a battle of "can's' and "can'ts". And, in the end, none of them matters.. What remains is the fire of the achievement that sparkles in your own vision. A man should be renowned in his own eyes. Being worthy of respect is worh a lot more than being popular. Being truly cared for is way above being pretended to be loved. And all in one's own capacity. It's never too wise to run after the world when u were never made for it. Nearing the close, if we can claim to our own conscience to have contributed our share to the meaning of life, that is just about it. Another wonder well-dispatched. There's no photoshopping a reality as pure as this..

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  1. Thanks Anam..:)

  2. Being worthy of respect is worh a lot more than being popular. Being truly cared for is way above being pretended to be loved (Y)
    well written
