Burrito or Chimichanga? Both Please

by - Thursday, April 19, 2012

By Sheikh Raza Shahzad (1st Year MBBS)

Wonder-struck, I kicked off by scanning the eerie ambiance over the stretch of lush green. The shards of gray took toll pronto as the sun slyly drifted below the horizon. Rustling leaves came to a halt as the breeze pledged allegiance to not caress them any longer. Spitting rain were clouds too gloomy for my liking. The downpour was frightening chilly.
Shivering to resuscitate normal body temperature was a man all by his lonesome, helplessly gawking at me through the distance. His eyes welled with tears merged in raindrops.  Otherwise indifferent, I was forced to carve my way to liberate him from the shackles of solitude. With every step set forth, I could feel my spirit soar for the sake of humanity. Questions. Gazillions of them flooded my mind. Why God, why? Where did he wrong you to deserve all this in the first place? Why am I, I and he, he and I can't be in his shoes and he in mine at the same time? Only after I had compartmentalized these thoughts in the back of my head did I break into a discourse with him, my opening gibbet being: "In retrospect, do you think your life lived was worth it?"
My question was met with moments of silence.
Shattering muteness with a slight smirk, he continued in a tender voice of his: "It depends. If you had approached me with the same question a week ago I'd have replied in the affirmative. Today, however, I for one have taken a jaundiced view of life. Our choices change everyday in relation to what our brain perceives best; our judgment about people changes in direct proportion to the number of conversations we dwell ourselves on. We remain in harmony with our surroundings as long as inner peace resides within our flesh. Drawing comparisons with disregard of the superlative is the key to stay jovial. In my conjecture, one can satiate his thirst by becoming oblivion of the fact that one is surrounded by people above him in hierarchy. Contentment that tags along the realization that one is still better than many is the way forward."
Left startled at the gravity of the reply, I began musing over finding inner peace over idiosyncrasies that went against Mother Nature. Not long before a thud on the door took me out of my siesta. My mother's rollicking tune demanding of me to choose either Burrito or Chimichanga for lunch. Without any iota of thought, I replied both.
The meal that followed seemed heavenly.
No comparisons and stomach literally choked with inordinate amount of food.

Go salivate!

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