
Hajay Qiyamat Nai Ayi

Friday, August 13, 2010 / BY F.H
("Hajay Qiyamat Nai Ayi"-The Doomsday Hasn't Come Yet- is the title of a poem written by Munnu Bhai.) Jinnah Flyover, also called Cavalry Bridge, is an overhead bridge that directs the traffic coming from Gulberg towards Cantt and D.H.A. That night I was driving over the bridge with my grandmother when we passed by this huge billboard advertising Stoneage jeans with Iman Ali on it. And I must say, she looked murderously beautiful, wearing skintight,...

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Out of Place

Wednesday, August 11, 2010 / BY Awais Aftab
Aati: I look around at my classmates, friends, relatives ... it's the same story: you believe in what everyone else believes; if you can't do that, then you believe a watered down apologetic version of what everyone else believes; and if you can't even do that, then you pack your bags and go elsewhere because there is no place for your here....Awais, you give me the false hope that there are others out there like...

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Ban the Burqa

Sunday, August 08, 2010 / BY Awais Aftab
"In the beginning, I was sympathetic to the argument that Turkey’s ban on headscarves in universities and public institutions was grossly discriminatory.... But that was when I could still visit the neighborhood of Balat without being called a whore."A detailed well-thought out argument on why burqa should be banned, by Claire Berlinski:Ban the Burqa"There is no nation on the planet where the veil is the cultural norm and where women enjoy equal rights. Not one....

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Morality and Psychopathy II

Friday, August 06, 2010 / BY Awais Aftab
Related to the previous post.Virtue Ethics gives the following reason to be moral: If you want true inner peace and happiness in life, then you have to be moral, because moral virtues are by definition those traits which lead to an inner state of health, happiness and peace.The statement seems to have empirical correlates: If we can show the presence of a psychopath who is happy and at peace, then the virtue ethics hypothesis would...

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Morality and Psychopathy

Friday, August 06, 2010 / BY Awais Aftab
What would humans be without the sense of morality? [Not the moral doctrines. The innate sense we possess.]Theoretically, they should be amoral.But practically, it seems they turn into psychopaths.Should amoralism always manifest as psychopathy?There can be two aspects of a moral sense. One is Positive and the other is Negative. Positive is which leads us to acts which we wouldn't normally do without a moral cause (for example, giving a donation). Negative is what prevents...

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