The place where I live - Hafsa Amin 2nd Year MBBS

by - Sunday, March 26, 2017

The place where I live, all that people care about is women. 

You'd think that it would be a good thing, but you're mistaken.
The place where I live, women are criticized if they bare their skin.
The place where I live, women are considered impractical if they cover themselves up from head to toe.
The place where I live, if a girl is bold and confident, she is too outspoken.
The place where I live, if a girl is quiet and shy, she is too much of an introvert.
The place where I live, women whose husbands die are considered ominous.
The place where I live, women whose husbands are abusers are expected to compromise.
The place where I live, women need not be dressed provocatively to be objectified.
The place where I live, not even little girls are safe from lusting eyes.
The place where I live, there is a set of rules for everyone.
But in the place where I live, these rules only apply to women. 
The place where I live, women have a lot of enemies trying to bring them down
But what they fail to realize is that it's one woman tearing another apart at the heart of it all.

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