Light the FIRE!

by - Saturday, December 29, 2012

Rub and scrub them hard

Agitate and don’t retard
Rub them like you’re meant to
For this is what MEN do

In a dreary desert, lost you are

With no pacification as cigar
No one till miles, you see

To no one you ask or plea
They left you here alone

To adversities you are prone
Like a boat amid a sea

In a whirlpool, no supporting tree
Bits, fragments become its fate

Merciless oceans bloodily hate

But this is no water, but sand
On rocks and stones you stand

Hair, disheveled; clothes, pathetic
Its misery in real, nothing dramatic

No shoes, shelter or longed-for throne
You are alone; beard, overgrown

The evil hunger made you a beast
Learn to kill, and survive at least

Hey look! The imminent dusk with chill
Search, now, for a warming drill

“Light and heat” is what you need
To survive a desert night, pay heed

Look around, two stones would do
To light the fire, this is the clue

Rub and scrub them hard
Agitate and don’t retard

Rub them like you’re meant to
For this is what MEN do

Sparks at last, the wood getting fire
You are relieved, worries retire

O lost-in-the-world! Listen!
You’re the wood, He is the mission

Two hard stones are what you need
Those are your “conscience” and your “greed”

Assure their incessant battle, you summon
For that’s what makes you HUMAN

Rub and scrub them hard
Agitate and don’t retard

To earn a home above
Light the fire of LOVE!


(Syed Ahmad Raza)


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  1. Forever alone guru g pyar ka alamgir paigham de rhe hien....sweeeeet...:-P

  2. This was a brilliant piece. Touched my heart. From heart to heart, it is. Very well done! Kept me hooked from scratch till the end. Nice concept of personifying stones with conscience and greed!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. woooooooooooooooow very nice thumbs up :)

  5. Awsome job! Ths is the best out of all ur compositions tht i have read. Thumbs up!;D

  6. This seriously got me thinking..
    We ought to have a bonfire this year.

  7. WOW Amna Khalil. That is such a cool wit :D
    But you are right. Yeah... I feel the same :/
