An Alumnus Speaks His Mind

by - Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A few days back, I got an email from Mr. Jehangir Mohammad, which i think is worth sharing, so here it is:

Salaam o Alaikum,

I have been visiting your blog pages recently. Masha Allah, the thought process and the language are admirable. Not too long ago I was a student of KE. Would I like to come back there. No. Never. The worst thing was the immense waste of time during the wards in third and fourth year. At each ward the person assigned to teach had two goals, to start from point zero and to humiliate.

The other worst thing is the unsupervised way in which house officers are allowed to work.
KE produces mental slaves and not thinkers. The graduates from there learn to follow orders and appease ( Google KEMCAANA or KEMCAPNA website and their advice to new arrivals to the states). Usually Kemcolians are spineless.

Medicine needs a lot of Spine. The practice of medicine requires:-
Humility: Recognition of one's own weaknesses, and to accept ones faults.
Graciousness: to Allah to allow us to deal with the best of His Creations.
Courage:- to stand up against wrong decisions, clinical or otherwise, even if made by those stronger than us.
Sincerity: The intention to acquire knowledge for its stated purpose, so that it may not become a garland of fire in the HereAfter

KE teaches nothing of that. Every senior doctor is a demigod.
Justify Full
I learnt the above, but from people I met later in life.

It is just after Fajr, here. Therefore I shall grab some winks.


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  1. very precious thoughts and golden experience worth remembering for life time!!!!
