The Fall and Fall of an Average Student

by - Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Okay! I've had enough of it now!! I'm gonna nail the next one!", I vowed after failing (yet) another test....

I keep pondering over the fact but i don't really get as to what exactly went wrong with me as soon as i got into KEMU .... (and no! it's not love:p). Reaching the farthest point where my memory can take me, I do arrive at a stage where I was (to say the least) a good student! However, it is bygones now!! The situation at this place is pretty gruesome... The only test i ever took seriously was my first substage of anatomy! Since then... began an endless series of fiascoes!
Every test went crappier than the previous... and within months ,i lost all the vestiges of interest that i ever had in studies !

Fortunately enough, i soon discovered i wasn't all alone in this muddle and commotion... There were a few others like me too ! However i must warn u not doubt our potential cause everyone knows that GEEKS AND NERDS FROM ACROSS THE COUNTRY ALL FLOCK AT KEMU !!...(and we're among them too...!) Thus, I'm sure each one of us has been at the top at least once in his academic life. What is really vexing is the fact that our sole aim now is to merely pass tests! While preparing for one, i have this relentless feeling of insecurity that keeps me away from studying an extra alphabet!

More importantly, i have turned so shameless and impenitent that i am cool with the most insulting and deriding of the barbs from my teachers! I'm gonna spill some beans here now ;) .. U cant get into a situation more embarrassing than this where a teacher takes u to a private room and begins counseling you, asking right away: "Is there any specific reason that you don't study ? May be i can help you with it...." The dumbest reply i could come up with was: "No sir!! No specific reason! It's just that i don't study!"... and this is just one chronicle... Every single, i repeat ladies n gentlemen, every single viva ended up with a huge provocation from the teacher. Dolefully, nothing ever worked ! :(

The second year went shittier than the first ! I don't know how and why i passed my exams! Miracles do happen and no words can express my gratitude to Allah!

Now, this is the third year that i have been living with this humiliation ! I have finally taken the plunge and decided to put my feet down ! I have got to get my long-lost, forlorn respect back! There is a little hitch... I know , like always, i'm gonna give up ultimately!!

At the end of the day, what still boggles my mind and remains an unsolved, occult mystery is my prime question:
"What goes wrong with people (like me) as soon as they get into KEMU?"
If someone figures it out, please let me know too !

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  1. hahahaha...all of this is already happening with me too...
    i guess its just that feeling of wholesomeness that we have landed in kemu and we'll become doctors one day anyway so why study?

